Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Now I know how how Nick Nolte feels

Remember Nick Nolte movies? The ones where he's always down-and-out, feeling beat down? That's how I felt yesterday after Sunday's 3 hour adventure. I'm 34, but felt 84.
I still managed to do 10 straightaways at Lindbergh. Then I went down to the weight room where I discovered I forgot my workout guide sheet. You'd think since there are only three workouts in there I should have memorized it by now.
I only made it halfway through before I realized I had little left in the tank. Plus I still had to coach ALARC Core in half an hour. So I cut it short and went upstairs to chat with the group and relax.
The weather's getting nice, so we went outside to the football field for our workout. The boys' lacrosse team was practicing, so we had to dodge a couple of balls - but that's ok, it was great to be back outside! It was a little chilly and I was wearing just shorts and a t-shirt, so I'll have to adjust that next time.
I had a bad workout. My legs were beat, my back was sore, and I found myself mentally fatigued as well. But I trudged through it and finished it up. Then went home and collapsed on the couch.
I skipped swimming this morning, and plan to do the scheduled 3-4 easy miles much later today.

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